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McGovern, Gerry, Killer Web Content. London: A&C Black

Getting Started

People read differently on the Web, so you need to write differently for the Web. Surprisingly, very few websites take the time to lay out their content in a way that will maximise its readability. An important point is that it is more difficult to read on a screen than from paper. This means that if you want to be read on the Web, you must write and lay out your content in a simpler, more straightforward manner than you would in print. If you want to ensure that your content has the best chance of being read, focus on:

• Shorter sentences, shorter paragraphs, and shorter documents.
• Plentiful use of short, punchy, and descriptive headings and summaries.
• Larger font sizes and sans serif fonts, because they are easier to read.
• Straightforward, factual prose.


In what way do people read differently on the Web?

They scan, moving quickly across text, always looking in a hurry for the content they need. They are very fact-orientated. People don’t read on the Web for pleasure – they read to do business, to be educated, to find out something – so they like to read content that gets to the point quickly.

People like reading short documents, with links to more detailed information as appropriate. If a document is long, and people really have no choice but to read it, a significant number of them will print it out. In general, however, long documents tend to go unread.

Why do so many people regard Web content as poor quality?

People don’t trust the content they read on the Web because they come across so many websites with poor publishing standards. The Web gives everyone access to the tools of publishing, but giving someone a word processor does not make them a good writer.

Too many websites lack proper editing standards. They also translate documents that were prepared for print directly to the Web; this may save money in the short term, but if people don’t read the content, it is pointless. Some websites deliberately try to mislead people with their content. All this gives a poor impression to people who use the Web.

Is writing for the Web a difficult skill to learn?

It is not easy to learn how to write well no matter what the medium is. However, writing for the web is about concentrating on the facts. You don’t need flowery prose; instead, you must be able to communicate with really important stuff in as few words as possible. This is not an easy thing to do, but with practise most people can master the basics.

Making it Happen
If you’re not read you’re dead

The connection between writing and reading is one that is not always considered: a surprising number of organisations create vast quantities of content without asking some obvious questions:

Is anyone interested in reading this content?
Is it written in a way that is understandable and easy to read?
How are we going to let people know that we have just published this content?

Less is More

Writing is rarely about quantity, but it should always be about quality. Less is more, particularly on the Web. It is easier to writing 5, 000 words of waffle than 500 words that are succinct but 500 words is what is needed on the Web.

Editing is Essential

One of the primary functions of editing is to get a long draft into shape. As George Orwell put it: ‘ If it is possible to cut a word, always cut it’. We all have pet phrases that we love to put into sentences whenever we can. They may sound good to the writer, but often add nothing to the meaning of what is being communicated. The Web is about functional writing. Get to the point as quickly as you can. Then stop.

Keep it Short

When writing for the Web:

Documents should rarely be longer than 1, 000 words: 500 to 700 is a good length to aim for.
Paragraphs should be between 40 to 50 words.
Try not to let your sentences go over 20 words.

Write for the reader, not for your ego

When writing, always keep in mind who is you are writing for. If it is the sales rep, the technician, the support staff, the customer, the investor? Will they understand what you are writing about? Don’t writing to please yourself – write to please your reader. One mark of a poor writer is the use of big words and convoluted phrases. The good writer is clear and precise.

Focus on the Headings

Headings are important on the Web for two central reasons. First, people scan, so the first thing they often do is to look for headings; if the heading doesn’t attract their attention, then they probably won’t read any further. Second, people use search engines a lot, and the most prominent things in a page of search results are the headings. The heading really has to sell the Web page and convince the person to click for more information.

Writing headings well is an art, but here are a few rules that will help you get the basics right.

Keep them short. A heading should not be longer than five to eight words.
Make your point clear. For example ‘Nasdaq crashes to record low’ is more information than ‘Apocalypse now for investors!’. When talking about a severe stock-market downturn.
Use strong, direct language. Don’t be sensational, but at the same time don’t be vague, and don’t hedge.
Don’t deceive the reader, for example by using ‘Microsoft’ in a heading just because you think people will be more likely to read it. Remember, the job of the heading is to tell the reader succinctly what is in the document.

Use subheadings

In longer documents it is always a good idea to use subheadings, as they break up the text into the more readable chunks that readers like. Subheadings should be used every five to seven paragraphs.
Summaries: the who, what, where and when

Next to the heading, the summary is the most important piece of text. It should be descriptive, not wandering or indirect. Tell the reader what the document is about, and who, what, where and when the information relates to.

Getting down to write

’No man but a blockhead ever wrote . . . except for money,’ according to Samuel Johnson. Sound advice. Writing is not easy but someone has to do it. The first rule of writing is reading: if you are asked to write a technical paper, read how other people write them. Read how they are written on your own website, on competitors’ websites, in industry journals. Find a style that works well and copy it; use its techniques and approach to structure. Don’t plagiarise, but never feel ashamed of finding quality writing and learning from it.

Learn how to edit

Even if you have an editor, you still want to send them a draft that is well written. Here are a few steps to follow.

Get a first draft written and don’t throw it away.
Leave it for a while – have a cup of tea – then print it out, or make the font size larger so the text stands out more.
Read it as if someone else wrote it. Be severe. Ask questions such as: Is it written in a way that the reader can easily understand it? What is the writer trying to say here? Is this sentence or paragraph necessary? Has the writer covered all the essential facts?
First drafts are often too long. When preparing the second draft, cut ruthlessly, maybe by as much as half.
Use your word count carefully. When you are asked to write something, always ask how many words are required. If you are not given a word count then decide on one yourself. Keep it as low as possible.

Explore collaborative writing

Computers and the Internet make collaborative writing far easier, and as a result it is becoming an increasingly popular approach to writing content. Collaborative writing works well if:

The writers spend time working through the objectives of the writing exercise, and reach agreement on such necessary matters such as style, tone, and length of the piece.
There is a lot of content to be written that can benefit from the input of multiple disciplines.
People can be given defined segments of content to write, and/or the different skills of different people can be used, for example when one person understands the subject well, while another is a good writer.
There are professional processes in place to facilitate collaboration.
The writers know and respect each other.

Common Mistakes

Not focusing on the needs of the reader

A surprising number of websites fail to consider who their reader is, simply adding content for its own sake. If you ignore the needs of your reader, then your reader will ignore you.

Putting non-Web formats on the Web

Translating a 40-page Word document into HTML is a simple task; persuading someone to read it is another job entirely. Have you ever tried reading an Adobe PDF file on a screen? It’s a painful experience. How many of your customers have read that PowerPoint presentation you translated into HTML?

Putting every piece of content you can find on the Web

The Web is not a dumping ground for content. You might have 50, 000 documents, with only 5, 000 suitable for your website. Publishing the other 45, 000 simply wastes your readers’ time – not something you want to do.

Poor editing

It is almost impossible to create quality content without sending it through a professional editorial process. No matter how good the writer is, their content will always benefit by having it checked over by an editor.

Long, rambling documents

If, after reading the headings and summary, the reader hasn’t grasped what exactly you are trying to communicate, chances are he or she will click the Back button. Online readers are ruthless about their time.

McGovern, Gerry, Killer Web Content. London: A&C Black

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