Your Website as a Selling Tool

In previous blogs we have talked about the website as a selling tool.
A selling tool is an important part of a business because nothing happens until there is a sale.
As a selling tool the website should be able to take customers from awareness through to Action to Awareness in a step commonly known as A.I.D.A.
While many companies have brochures these may not be distributed as the number of selling personnel in the market is diminishing with the cost of putting a salesperson in a car on the road to sell to individual clients.
Flyers or brochures belong to the fast moving consumer goods market and are an exception, but most of the business population is involved in distributing products and services through traditional means.
A website with a call to action and often calls to action on each webpage is a very effective tool.
Landing Page Design – Developed By ComEdge
Websites that take you through the companies offering of products and services and then with good visuals and individual product or service pages lead you to a contact page for a final sales page in the form of an online shop have become the norm.
Getting clients to put this algorithm or flow chart of how they introduced a company and then get a final sale or call to action in the form of phone call email or personal follow-up is difficult.
Their final decision on the webpage is based more on look and appeal and often they are influenced by search engine optimisation and other tools that are focused on getting people to their page rather than building an exceptional webpage that becomes, through word-of-mouth, or through traffic a referenced website and a bottom line drawcard.